Why are we offering people like you a free online disability case evaluation?
It’s simple. You need support. Nobody deserves to go through what you’re going through all on their own.
Being unable to work and earn an income because of a disability is frustrating, stressful, and defeating. You’re worried about bills piling up. Moreover, it’s getting increasingly harder to afford the necessities required to remain afloat in day-to-day life. Plus, you’re no longer capable of doing what you do best, and that’s a huge toll on your emotions.
You deserve to live comfortably despite your inability to clock in and out of a workplace. Your worth goes beyond a paycheck or salary, and you shouldn’t be cast aside because of physical or mental health limitations.
We live in a society where you need a substantial sum of money to maintain a reasonable standard of living. When you can’t work because of an injury or illness, any semblance of financial security can be stripped away from you.
The above notion rings doubly true if you don’t receive the necessary assistance and financial aid you deserve. Yet, unfortunately, a challenge you’re likely to face when dealing with a disability is procuring the workers’ comp you deserve.
So, you’re left with no choice but to rely on getting your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) application approved, a daunting obstacle in and of itself.
Collecting Disability Isn’t So Simple.
While SSDI benefits sound like a reasonable solution, they aren’t always the safe haven they should be.
Specifically, there’s a 22% average acceptance rate for initial applications, with 63% of total SSDI applications ending up denied.
Although these governing bodies are meant to take care of you, there’s a litany of red tape that gets in the way, potentially leaving you out in the cold.
As such, if you’re dealing with a disability, you’ll benefit from our free online disability case evaluation to ensure your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.
Paperwork and bureaucratic measures can be very tough to manage and feel overwhelming. Fortunately, we’re here to do our part and help you receive your due compensation.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Disabilities?
Common physical or mental illnesses and ailments that might necessitate collecting disability (and therefore, a free online disability case evaluation) are as follows:
- Severe illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease/attack
- Injuries, arthritis, and back pain commonly lead to disability, and they aren’t covered by worker’s comp.
- The #1 causes of disabilities are musculoskeletal disorders such as spine/joint disorders and fibromyositis.
Click here for a simplified breakdown of claim diagnosis categories, and see if your condition ticks any of those boxes.
How Come Disability Benefits Get Denied?
We live in a cynical world–one where those in charge deem it necessary to be excessively stringent over who receives financial assistance.
In a sense, there’s some logic to it. Provided SSDI benefits were handed out to anyone who sent in a form, the money-well would run dry, fast.
However, to counteract the potential exploitation of the system, Disability Determination Services (DDS) has made it very difficult for people like you, who just need some help.
Thus, we offer our free online disability case evaluation. You don’t deserve to get cast aside because of the following obstacles:
There Is a Lack of Medical Evidence.
Without ample and reliable documented medical evidence illustrating your disability and proof of how it prevents you from working, you’ll face a claim rejection.
Application-after-application gets tossed aside for lacking the appropriate documentation to prove a given disability.
While this stumbling block seems entirely reasonable as a means for rejection, the vast amount of claims refused based on this problem is eyebrow-raising. This issue begs the question of how much medical evidence is actually enough? We have those answers below, but it’s an understandable source of frustration for disability applicants.
You’ve Been Denied Several Times Already.
There is one crucial disability claim mistake that many people in your position: filing a new claim after being refused the first time.
Applicants often don’t know that filing an appeal is the correct course of action after a rejection.
Sadly, when some claimants realize this frustrating misstep, it’s already too late, making it that much harder to get approved.
It’s unfair and unjust that paperwork errors can prevent you from getting something that’s owed to you. However, our free online disability case evaluation is here to help you avoid such mistakes.
You’re Earning Too Much Money
You might have been used to making a certain amount of money before your disability impeded your earning ability. Now, while you could still be making some money, it’s a far cry from the wages you used to earn.
Still, despite your disability-related setbacks, your wages might be too substantial in the eyes of the DDS.
What you personally deem as “not enough” money is subjective. Conversely, the DDS has a specific, “objective” amount of earnings that they classify as acceptable if you’re to collect a disability check.
Being approved for your disability claim requires that you earn a limited amount. If you exceed that limit, your application will be rejected.
You Haven’t Followed Treatment Advice
Do you struggle to follow your doctor’s advice in treating your disability? Are there gaps that exist in your medical care?
If the answer is “yes” to either of the above questions, you’re likely to face an application denial.
Now, things do get murky here. Whether you’re following treatments or have medical care gaps isn’t so cut and dry. All the same, the DDS worker examining your application will argue you can’t prove your disability’s legitimacy without following the appropriate steps to recover.
You Aren’t Complying with Requirements.
Requests from the DDS might feel intrusive, invasive, stress-inducing, and frustrating.
Regardless, the DDS makes these decisions, and you must comply if you’re to receive your due compensation.
Provided you don’t respond to additional information requests or are otherwise uncooperative throughout the application process, your application won’t be approved.
This specific stumbling block is one more reason why we offer our free online disability case evaluation.
It can be overwhelming to keep up with the requirements and expectations of the DDS. With our support, you’ll have an advocate on your side, ensuring you have everything you need for approval, thereby reducing the chances of surprises and intrusive requests.
Miscellaneous Reasons
We’ll point out the above pitfalls aren’t the only reasons disability claims get rejected by the DDS. They’re just the most common.
Filling your SSDI application and getting it approved is a tightrope walk that requires lots of patience and attention to detail. The statistics tell us that the DDS assesses applications with much scrutiny and won’t shy away from rejecting your disability claims.
For instance, your claim can get rejected because of missing a phone call from your caseworker and not getting back to them quickly enough. It’s really that arbitrary.
Thus, it’s absolutely integral that you do everything in your power to combat these obstacles, such as leveraging our free online disability case evaluation. We know the ins and outs of the process and help ensure your caseworker is given every reason possible to approve your application.
Remember–Your DDS Caseworker is Only Human
One piece of advice we can’t stress enough is keeping a level head throughout this entire process, no matter how frustrating or daunting.
Given the stress levels involved, it’s natural to view your caseworker or the entire Disability Determination Services as the enemy.
While the DDS is a vast governing body, it’s run by people just like you, who are doing their best to manage an enormous volume of applications. Plus, caseworkers have to be careful, or else they’ll leave themselves open to fraud.
The above preamble sheds light on the value of our free online disability case evaluation. We understand both sides of the coin, fully grasping the difficult nature of your circumstances as much as we’re familiar with the DDS’s many challenges.
We take that well-rounded approach to ensure you’re giving your DDS caseworker what they need to approve your application.
Ask Yourself: Do You Think You’ll Qualify for Disability Benefits?
Before learning more about our free online disability case evaluation and what you can expect during the process, contemplate whether it’s worth your time.
This isn’t to say we’re doubting your struggle.
Injuries, diseases, chronic illnesses, and all other afflictions can really do a number on your quality of life. However, weighing alternative solutions to collecting disability is a pragmatic approach, given the scrutiny and stress of the application approval process. For instance, you might be saving yourself from unnecessary emotional duress by embarking on a physical rehab program that gets you back at work.
The path you take without going on disability might be a daunting one as well. Still, it could prove entirely conquerable and a superior long-term solution.
So, take a long, considered look at your circumstances, and decide if there are other options before filling out your SSDI application.
Our Free Online Disability Case Evaluation Process
The stats dictate that your disability claim application will likely be rejected on your first try.
However, you drastically limit the chances for rejection by completing your application with a bonafide SSDI expert like us and leveraging our free online disability case evaluation.
Of course, we can keep touting how we’ll guide you to the promised land. We’d rather be more specific, though, by telling you what our free online disability case evaluation entails.
We’ll also note that our free online disability case evaluation is ideal for these 2 types of applicants:
- An applicant who’s filing for the first time and wants to increase their chances for approval
- Applicants who’ve been rejected, who need additional support to ensure they don’t get turned away again
Below, we’ll specifically highlight what you can expect from your free online disability case evaluation:
We’ll Tell You Right Away if You Won’t Qualify for Disability Benefits.
The best advice we offer to some potential or previously rejected applicants is to not waste their time. (We’ll stress that this advice is provided to a select few, not the majority of our clients).
By simply cutting to the chase, we help prevent many people from putting themselves through the stress of an application process destined for failure.
However, this part of our service isn’t so cut and dry. While you might not qualify today, tomorrow, or any time this year, you could be eligible for disability benefits at some point in the not-so-distant future.
For instance, your pending SSDI rejection might just be due to not being out of work for long enough. In which case, we’ll let you know if it’s in your best interest to wait until you’ve been out of work for the appropriate period before applying (or reapplying).
Springing Into Action the Moment We Think You’ll Qualify for Benefits.
When you come to us for our free online disability case evaluation, and you tick all the appropriate boxes to receive compensation, we spring into action.
We’ll then ask you to provide us with information about your medical treatments for your disability.
From there, we’ll ask if you’re currently being treated medically before determining whether your disability/condition has been properly assessed by a doctor.
Upon receiving this information, we’ll assess your situation and offer a clearer answer on your chances for approval.
Provided it seems you’re on the right path for approval, we’ll ask for your contact information.
What Else to Expect From Your Free Online Disability Case Evaluation
With our free online disability case evaluations, you don’t need to worry about being on the hook for any charges.
There’s also no obligation to continue working with us as your SSDI representative after your free online disability case evaluation.
Once we’ve determined that you have a chance to be eligible, we’ll collect more information about your case. We’ll ask you about how your disability is impacting your life and impeding your ability to earn.
From there, we’ll educate you about how to fight for what’s owed to you, including information about:
- Forms you’ll need to fill
- Motions you can file
- Proposed orders
- Appeals you can make
Taking Your Application Process to the Next Level
You can hire an attorney to help with your disability claim, in which case, it stops being a free online disability case evaluation. Still, it might be necessary if you want the best chance of getting your application approved.
In paying for an attorney, they’ll deal with the more complex or stressful elements of your case. They’ll also be your advocate throughout the entire process, providing you wisdom and guidance on navigating the many hurdles of the DDS.
At What Point Should You Hire an Attorney?
There’s no universal yes or no response to whether you need an attorney for your disability claim. The correct answer is entirely reliant on a case-by-case analysis.
Provided our free online disability case evaluation shows that you’ve got a clear-cut approval on your hands, paying for a lawyer might not be necessary.
On the other hand, even if it seems like your disability claim should be approved without much pushback, failing to hire an attorney could prove costly. You won’t have a sure-handed, watchful eye helping prevent mistakes.
Hiring an attorney offers additional security and peace of mind. That fact holds true no matter the strong likelihood of your disability claim approval (based on your free online disability case evaluation).
Nonetheless, you might not deem it necessary or financially responsible to hire an attorney if your application approval seems to be a sure thing.
Conversely, with more complicated claims, the only chance you’ll probably have at approval is with an attorney at your side.
For instance, a rare medical condition preventing you from working requires a well-versed, vastly experienced disability lawyer. Otherwise, you’ll meet nothing but roadblocks in your journey to getting the compensation you deserve.
Useful Insights On the Disability Benefits Case Evaluation Process
A primary reason we offer a free online disability case evaluation is our vast knowledge of the DDS’s inner workings.
We firmly believe that knowledge is power, and with great power comes even greater responsibility. Developing expertise in disability claims has allowed us to make a significant difference in the lives of many people like you.
Moreover, we view it as our duty to help you in whatever way is possible. You deserve to live the best life possible, and if we can play a role in making that happen, we’ve accomplished our core mission.
Our understanding of SSDI evaluation processes will go far in helping you satisfy the scrutiny that goes into approval. We know what these very particular evaluators prioritize and what they frown upon, and we even know the exact steps involved in reaching a verdict for your disability claim.
With that said, here are some answers we can provide about the disability benefits case evaluation process:
How Do Social Security Representatives Receive Applications?
Ensure your disability benefit application makes it into the hands of a social security representative by:
- Handing your application over in person
- Calling on the telephone
- Sending by mail
- Filing on the internet
What Should Be Included in Your Application (and other Related Forms)?
When filling out your disability application and related forms, ensure it includes a detailed description of:
- Your afflictions/impairments
- Who is treating you
- All other potential information about your disability
What Are The Steps Involved in Your Disability Benefits Case Evaluation?
Here are the steps involved after sending in your application:
- First, the Social Security Administration field office verifies your non-medical requirements (e.g., age, employment, social security coverage info, marital status).
- Your case is then sent for evaluation by the DDS (a fully Federal Government-funded State agency).
- The DDS weighs the validity of your disability and its impact on your ability to earn. Agents make the initial judgment on whether you’re disabled in the eyes of the law.
- In most cases, the DDS initially searches for evidence from your medical sources. Note that your specific medical provider is a preferred evidence source of the DDS.
- Provided medical information from your sources isn’t sufficient, the DDS organizes a consultative exam (CE) to collect their required information about your case. If you can’t receive your CE from your doctor, the DDS will go to an independent source.
- Once the DDS has compiled all the necessary evidence, the appropriate staff will approve or disapprove your disability claim.
- Upon reaching their ruling, the DDS will send the case back to the field office to relay their decision.
- For approvals, the SSA will tie up loose ends involving non-disability development. They also calculate the amount being paid and start dispersing payments.
- If your application is rejected, the file will still be kept in the field office waiting for your appeal.
Don’t Leave Your Disability Benefits Approval Up to Chance: Contact Us for a Free Online Disability Case Evaluation.
Regardless of any disability impeding your quality of life, you still have plenty of time on this earth to enjoy. Every day is a gift, and you owe it to yourself to live comfortably, no matter the physical limitations of mental conditions you might be dealing with.
Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance you use every resource available to ensure your disability benefits claim advice gets approved.
Money might understandably be an issue, given your current circumstances. Fortunately, we offer a free online disability case evaluation. So, a lack of funds won’t prevent you from completing your application correctly. Our services vastly increase the chances of approval without you needing to spend a dime.
Have you already been rejected for disability benefits? Don’t worry. Our free online disability case evaluation can help you too.
Contact us today, and take a crucial step in receiving the disability benefits you deserve.